Bringing you local theater since 1959
Our Most Recent Production
Morning’s at Seven, a Comedy by Paul Osborn.
The Middlebury Community Players’ production of Paul Osborn’s warm and heartfelt comedy Morning’s at Seven at Town Hall Theater took place at Middlebury’ Town Hall Theater February 20—23, 2025. This Tony Award-winning classic focuses on the four aging Gibbs sisters and their husbands living a stone’s throw away from each other in a small midwestern town in 1928 and the reactions within the family when 40-year-old Homer announces he’s finally going to marry his girlfriend of the last 12 years and move out. Long-simmering resentments, rivalries, betrayals, misunderstandings, and familial bickering ensue. A charming, heartfelt comedy by Paul Osborn
More details on the show page!
“Absolutely entrancing. See this lovely play!”
“An absolute charmer. You will laugh out loud!”
Photo by David Devine
MCP Scholarships!
The Middlebury Community Players awarded two $1,000 scholarships in June 2024:
Asa Baker-Rouse, a graduate of Middlebury Union High School who is headed to Skidmore College in the fall.
Catherine Dyer, also a graduate of Middlebury Union High School, who is going to be at Middlebury College in the fall.
We are pleased to announce that once again in 2025, we will award two $1,000 scholarships to students who have graduated from high school within the last two years and who plan to attend college.
Applications must be submitted by April 15, 2025 for full consideration.
Interested in applying? Please email info@middleburycommunityplayers.org or leave a message at 802-377-3540.
For a list of prior recipients, see the Scholarships page.

Want to be a part of Off-Off-Off-Off-Off-Broadway?
(One more “off” and you’d be in Quebec!)
Middlebury Community Players is seeking directors of all levels of experience.
Got a play you've always wanted to do? We'd like to help you bring your vision to life.
Interested in directing a show for MCP?