10 Ways to Survive the Holidays
The Middlebury Community Players presented 10 Ways to Survive the Holidays, a comedy by Don Zolidis at the historic Vergennes Opera House December 12-15, 2024. This fast-paced holiday show hilariously captures the chaos of the season—from awkward family photos to carolers who REALLY want their figgy pudding. It’s a merry romp through all your favorite holiday pitfalls, packed with laughs for the whole family and perfect for spreading some holiday cheer!
Director Benjamin Houchen assembled 22 talented actors to play 44 different roles. The cast included Chris Boettcher, Ryan Brim, Kevin Commins, Glen Eastman, Michael Eaton, Diane Fenner, Jon Fenner, Diana Hill, Jeremy Holzhammer, Phin Holzhammer, Brenda Logee, Tom McElhaney, Katie McNamara, John Montgomery, Kimberlee Moyer, Matti Nichols, Jennifer Parmelee, Rizlaine Sabiani, Jay Stetzel, Benjo Torres, Jillian Torres, and Jennifer Wagner.
Director: Benjamin Houchen
Stage Manager: Dora Greven
Producer: Jon Fenner
Performance Dates
December 12, 13, and 14 at 7:30 pm
Sunday, December 15 at 2:00 pm
The Vergennes Opera House
120 Main Street
Vergennes, VT 05491
A portion of the proceeds was donated to H.O.P.E.
Behind the scenes
Photos by Dave Devine